Basic assurance plan-provides positive behavioral supports to people

Quality Assurances Accreditation:

Basic Assurances® Plan
NOTE:In order to maintain accreditation, Femi Qualified Home Care LLC must:
Show substantial progress in bringing the Basic Assurances® into alignment with system and practice by the second visit (within 12 months).
NOTE: All Basic Assurances® Indicators found to be NOT PRESENT in system or practice by CQL require an action plan. This plan is due to no later than December 23, 2024.

1a The organization implements policies and procedures that promote people’s rights. (S&P)
3a Policies and practices facilitate continuity of natural support systems. (S)
4a The organization implements policies and procedures that define, prohibit and prevent abuse, neglect, mistreatment and exploitation. (S)
4e The organization ensures objective, prompt and thorough investigations of abuse, neglect, mistreatmenet and exploitation, and of each injury, particularly injuries of unknown origin. (S)
4f The organization ensures thorough, appropriate and prompt responses to substantiated cases of abuse, neglect, mistreatment and exploitation, and to other associated issues identified in the investigation. (S)
7e The organization treats its employees with dignity, respect and fairness. (S&P)
8a People’s individual plans lead to person-centered and person-directed services and supports. (S&P)
8c The organization provides positive behavioral supports to people. (S&P)
10a The organization monitors Basic Assurances®. (S&P)
10b A comprehensive plan describes the methods and procedures for monitoring Basic Assurances®. (S&P)

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