Provide a critique of the state of healthcare quality and safety in the United States


The United States spends more on healthcare as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) than any other country in the world, yet, the country ranks nearly last in nearly all quality and outcome measures when compared to other high-income countries. For this week’s assignment, please create a voiced (footnotes/caption only) over Powerpoint Presentation to present to your management team. Your powerpoint SHOULD be between 8-10 slides in length, excluding your cover and reference slides. Incorporate a minimum of three (3) current (within 5 years), scholarly/peer-reviewed references.
Examine the current state of quality and safety in the United States healthcare system by reading through this week’s required reading resources and other outside sources as necessary and,

1) Provide a critique of the state of healthcare quality and safety in the United States,

2) Select two (2) elements of healthcare that need improvement and explain why healthcare leaders, managers, and policymakers should focus on improving those two elements; and,

3) Develop benchmarks (at least one per element) that you would use/recommend to stakeholders, that would help determine the success of quality improvement efforts
Domains and Associated Competencies:
Healthcare and Healthcare Environment
Healthcare Systems and Organizations
General Management
Quality Improvement

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