There are many different professional roles that interact with death. It is important to note that from a French-Sociological perspective, death is viewed as a social event, the starting point of a ceremonial process whereby the dead person becomes an ancestor (Palgi & Abramovitch, 1984). Chan (1996) reports beliefs held by police offers can lead to a policing style that relies more on professional standards and legal requirements than sensitivity and understanding. Emotional engagement with families is not often a realistic expectation (Frewin et al. 2006).
According to Aaron (2000), there is an emotional aspect to the work that is required by police at the scene of a death. This is not because police fail to feel compassion, but they often lack the experience to enact their feelings through appropriate words and behaviors that will bring solace and comfort and be acceptable police behavior. (Henry 2004).
After reading this week’s required articles, consider your own experiences and viewpoints as you craft your post.
Please answer the following question:
What do you view as the main issue when considering cross-cultural perspectives in death and police work? Explain your answer in detail. Include thoughts on police culture, emotion work, and community engagement.
In your answer, include all essential elements in order to receive points:
2 citations [APA format] from each article that supports your critical thinking.
Demonstration of your own view, reinforced by a strong rationale that includes personal opinions.
A question you developed as a result of participating in a process of inquiry.
In this week’s lecture, we hear from John Bellaimey, who explores the intertwined histories and cultures of Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam. Bellaimey provides insighst on cultural viewpoints and ways to define death.
In your answer for this week’s Chapter Response, please consider the following excerpts:
“Although death is fundamentally a biological fact, socially shaped ideas and assumptions create its meaning…People tend to view the world from a single perspective—their own—and to apply their own cultural criteria as benchmarks for judging the values of other communities.” [p.58]
“The concept of the death system is a helpful model for contemplating how death shapes the social order and, in turn, our individual lives. As a network of people, places, and times as well as objects and symbols, the death system affects our collective and personal relationships to mortality in many ways.” [169].
1. Watch this week’s lecture, “The Five Major World Religions”, taking notes throughout.
2. Read all required chapters.
3. Utilized gained knowledge to answer the following:
What stood out to you the most while watching this week’s lecture?
How can death systems ensure cross-cultural perspectives? Include your own ideas.
Include a thorough response that succinctly summarizes all pertinent information related to the question, drawing from the lecture and chapter readings.
Include 1 citation [APA format] from The Last Dance: Chapter 3
Include 1 citation [APA format] from The Last Dance: Chapter 4
Include 1 citation from The Handbook of Thanatology: Chapter 4
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