Create a small and large budget proposal and articulate what you could create and distribute.

Submit the final, complete version of your Health Communications Campaign Strategy Worksheet This includes all of the following components:
i attached my 1-5 draft but make this the final 1-10 and follow the guidelines thank you feedback i received from my teacher :this is great work. You’ve really done a good job reframing your audience, and your goals and messages are a solid start. The biggest thing that I see that could cause you some problems is that you’re tackling a really large communication goal. Changing behaviors about exercise, food, consistent medication, and accessing services is a lot to change in one short campaign. I wonder if it might be more effective if you could focus on just one of these sub goals. Just getting folks out for a daily 15 minute walk, for example, is a pretty big lifestyle change! Incorporating new foods is another big change. If you focused on just one “action” (you can of course tie it to others , ie.”this is the first step” then you might be able to make more of an impact. Have you ever read the book “Tiny Habits” by BJ Fogg? He talks about how making incremental changes builds up to lasting change. I bring this up b/c eating and moving are some of the hardest habits to remake, particularly when there are structural or systemic issues to address (e.g. time, money, cultural patterns/beliefs). I will be okay if you want to “stay big” here, but I do think your campaign will be able to go beyond scratching the surface if limit your goals.
problem statement
proposed audience(s)
communication goal(s)
audience research/building an audience profile
key messages, including how theory is informing the messaging
possible channels
design ideas for your final product
Be sure to incorporate feedback from your previous submission(s).
Format: Use the attached template and submit it as a word document.
Evaluation of your Work
This assignment will be graded using the rubric below. This rubric establishes a set of descriptive criteria that indicate what appropriate quality of work looks like for the assignment. Please make sure that the assignment you submit addresses each criterion. You will receive explicit feedback if your work on this assignment needs attention or was of a particularly exemplary quality.
Final Health Communications Campaign Strategy Worksheet
Criteria Ratings
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormatFollows format requirements for this assignment
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContentUpdated problem statement, communication goals, obstacles, key messages and audience from previous assignment that incorporates feedback from instructor.

Outlines proposed channels and justification for using.

Defines appeals and states reasons.

Describes design concepts being considered.

Create a small and large budget proposal and articulate what you could create and distribute.

Detail an evaluation plan for your campaign including metrics to measure the success of your efforts, questions to be answered and a target audience to ask.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritingUses correct spelling and grammar

Summarizes details concisely

Minimizes the use of jargon and unfamiliar acronyms

Employs public health terminology


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