Watch the videos below in their entirety, take notes and write a summary to include the important points stated in the videos. (20 possible pts.) to be submitted via canvas. PLEASE NOTE: You will need these summary notes for the Mid-term and Final.
Patterson and Tannahill Video Summary Submissions Due 2/15/25 @ 11:59 p.m. -Submit a minimum (4) four page, double spaced, 12 font paper – Times New Roman.
#1FOUNDATIONS: Political Culture 26’11″/Thomas E. Patterson / Kennedy School of Government, Harvard – YouTubeLinks to an external site.Links to an external site.
#2 FOUNDATIONS: Limited Government 19’35”/Thomas E. Patterson/Kennedy School of Government, Harvard – YouTubeLinks to an external site.Links to an external site.
Government and You: Professor Tannahill’s Lecture of August 23, 2016 – Edutube ( to an external site.Links to an external site.
PA 505 – Rubric for grading video summaries.docx
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