Select the article attached or that is related to your SPP topic which is “Can telehealth interventions by advanced practice nurses reduce emergency department visits and hospitalizations for patients with chronic diseases?

Qualitative studies employ an emergent design that allows for knowledge to be developed when researchers make ongoing decisions reflecting what they have already learned through participant interviews or open-ended written statements. An emergent design allows for a deeper exploration into the phenomenon of interest through an inquiry based on the realities and viewpoints of participants (Lincoln & Guba, 1985). Qualitative inquiry has been used in many different disciplines, and each has developed methods for addressing different types of questions. However, some characteristics of qualitative research design tend to apply across disciplines. In general, qualitative design should:

Be flexible and capable of adjusting to current information during data collection.
Tend to be holistic, aimed at an understanding of the whole.
Involve merging various data collection strategies (i.e., triangulation).
Require researchers to become intensely involved.
Rely on an ongoing data analysis to formulate subsequent strategies and determine when data collection is done.

Qualitative researchers often put together a complex array of data, derived from a variety of sources and using a variety of methods. This process has sometimes been described as bricolage, and the qualitative researcher has been referred to as a bricoleur—a person who “is adept at performing a large number of diverse tasks, ranging from interviewing to intensive reflection and introspection” (Denzin & Lincoln, 2011, p. 463).

#Select the article attached or that is related to your SPP topic which is “Can telehealth interventions by advanced practice nurses reduce emergency department visits and hospitalizations for patients with chronic diseases?” and incorporates a qualitative design methodology. Perform a synthesis of the article following the rubric as a guide. Upload both your selected article AND your appraisal to the dropbox in your assignment submission.

Note: Please be sure that there are no control groups or randomized groups as these refer to quantitative studies. The types of qualitative research studies include some of the following:

Phenomenology: This approach focuses on the direct experiences of themselves and the world around them.
Critical ace Theory: This approach focuses on how laws, movements, and social media influence social concepts regarding race and ethnicity.
Constructivism: This approach focuses on others and their reflective process generated from prior experiences and how new information shapes their prior world view.

Grounded Theory: Through investigating a phenomenon, one can discover new theories based on the data acquisition and subsequent analysis.
Exploratory Studies: This approach explores how to create hypothesis in research, rather than trying to test them empirically.
Feminist Theory: This approach focuses on the lived experiences of any person (not only women) with the goal of the disruption of oppression.
Qualitative Inquiry: This approach utilizes the senses (e.g., smell, hearing) to make sense of a person’s experiences and examines their corresponding social circumstances.

Case Study: This approach studies an in-depth experience about a particular phenomenon via a person, family, group, or organization or can focus on a person’s life history.


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