Leadership development plan-Demonstrate a personal commitment to learn and change your ideas in light of experience and feedback from others.

Describe each of the required sections of the Leadership Development Plan. Please organize your Leadership Development Plan around the three sections with the section titles (e.g., “What is Leadership and What Kind of Leader Are You?”) serving as the main headings for your paper. Papers should be double spaced. You can refer to readings and videos, but do not need to include a references page.

Section 1: What is Leadership and What Kind of Leader Are You? (1-2 pages)

First, define leadership in your own words. Begin the paper by completing the sentence, “I define leadership as…”
What kind of leader are you today? (Be honest – this is your starting point)
What do you hope to achieve from the preparation of this document?
Section 2: Lessons Learned (3-5 pages)

What have you learned about yourself and others as a result of EACH of the four self-assessments you have completed? (One paragraph for each self-assessment)
What are your significant strengths as a leader of other people; that is, what are you exceptional at doing and/or helping others to do? Don’t be modest.

What do you need to improve? Don’t be easy on yourself.
Discuss how your strengths and developmental areas have helped and hindered you on a professional and/or personal basis.
Which 3 of the course articles or videos had a particular impact on you, and how will you change your behavior or decisions moving forward as a result?

If 20 or 30 years from now, people were to describe the kind of leader you were, what would you want that descriiption to include?
Section 3: Next Steps and Development Action Plan (1-2 pages; should include at least three specific, measurable action steps with target dates)

To continue your development as a leader, what are your action steps? EXAMPLE 1: What new habits can you implement? EXAMPLE 2: What experiences do you need to seek out? EXAMPLE 3: What types of relationships do you need to build? EXAMPLE 4: What training/education will you pursue (e.g., a specific LinkedIn Learning course). Get very specific in this section.
The Leadership Development Plan will be graded on the following criteria:

Integration of course concepts and theory. Demonstrate that you not only understand but can apply the conceptual ideas of the course in your plan.
Reflectiveness. Demonstrate a personal commitment to learn and change your ideas in light of experience and feedback from others.
Writing style. A paper will receive more weight if it is well-organized (edited) and well-written in terms of syntax and use of English. Please write this paper in first person, active voice.


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