Students will be required to complete one 5-7 page Agency & Client paper using 4 peer-reviewed references. Students will concentrate on their field placement agency and one client in particular.

Students will be required to complete one 5-7 page Agency & Client paper using 4 peer-reviewed references. Students will concentrate on their field placement agency and one client in particular.

To complete this assignment, please be sure to include:
The paper should include a discussion of the
agency’s mission,
funding sources,
organizational structure & leadership,
flow of authority, and
any other relevant departmental characteristics, and service effectiveness.

How do they determine that what they do is effective?
Students are encouraged to look at both the pros and cons of their field placement agency and need for change.
A proposal must accompany any identified areas of concern:
The specific problem,
sample budget for change (if necessary),
time constraints,
needed resources,
contact people, and
finally discuss how you would propose to obtain funding.
Students will then, as in their Agency & Client Presentation, identify a particular client with whom they are working.
They will discuss the interventions used and then provide a reflection as to how they believe they have done working within the agency and with this client.
Information can be gathered by conducting focus groups, interviews, and surveys as a way to collect additional data.
Be prepared to present findings during the last week of classes.
Note: Please do not use the client’s actual name.
The Agency & Client paper must include the following sections:

Title page
Body of paper pages
Title of your Paper (as Introduction)—not in Bold
This section will introduce the agency you chose to include why you chose it. Were you interested in looking at agencies that helped a particular population? Is this a place you work or are you there for internship? What made you choose this agency? Please provide the reason why this agency was of interest to you.
Agency Overview
This section will include the Mission, Vision, and Funding Sources.
Agency Organizational Structure
This section will include organizational structure, leadership, flow of authority, other departmental characteristics, and anything else that is relevant.

Agency Services
This section will include the services provided and how they determine effectiveness.
Agency Pros & Cons
This section will include the pros and cons of each department while identifying any deficits to service and need for change.
Agency Proposal
This section will include the identified areas of concern noted under Agency Pros & Cons to include the specific problem, sample budget for change (if necessary), time constraints, needed resources, contact people, and how you would propose to obtain funding.
Identified Client
In this section, students will provide a synopsis of the chosen client they would like to discuss. Students will also include any diagnosis the client may have, in this section of the paper.
Interventions Used
In this section, information about how you worked with your chosen client must be provided. Did you provide psychoeducation? Did you provide individual or group counseling? What other things did you do with your client to help him/ her be successful in treatment? Also, who supervised you during this experience?

This section will explain how you intend to continue supporting the agency and client.
Conclusion—not in Bold
This section will conclude your overall thoughts on the agency and the assignment. Did you enjoy learning more about this agency? Now that you know more about this agency, do you have a desire to work there? What did you learn from this assignment?
References page
Note: Your title page and references page do not count towards your final paper count of 5-7 pages. Your paper should be clean with headers and sub-headers.
You will turn in a rough draft of your paper that is completed using Times New Roman, 12-point font in the headers and throughout the body of the paper. This paper must be between 5-7 pages, not including the title page and references page. That means that the body of the paper must be between 5-7 pages.

You must include at least 5 peer-reviewed references that are no older than 7 years old (3-5 years old is ideal) and you will be allowed to use your textbook and the DSM-5 as two of those five references along with the website of your program as another one of the five references. This means that you must have at least two peer-reviewed journal article references along with your textbook, the DSM-5, and website.
Students who fail to hand in their Agency & Client paper on time, fail to use Times New Roman, 12-point font in both the headers and throughout the body of the paper, use references older than 7 years, fail to include the headers provided below in the example, have a page limit that goes below five pages or over seven pages, or improperly cite authors using first and middle initials will automatically lose half credit on this assignment.

This portion of your paper will be due in Module 6 and should contain your title page, the body of your paper that includes Title of Your Paper (as Introduction)—not in bold, Agency Overview, Agency Organizational Structure, Agency Services, Agency Pros & Cons, Agency Proposal, Identified Client, Interventions Used, Self-Reflection, Conclusion—not in bold, and a References page. Make sure you address each area.

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