Capital budget Request-Choose one item to request funding through the capital budget process.

The Capital Budget Committee at your institution has announced a schedule of dates, inviting leaders and managers to present their technology requests for items to be funded in the upcoming fiscal year, which runs from October 1st to September 30th. The committee has clearly defined a capital item as any product that improves outcomes, flow of care, or safety; with an expected lifespan of three years or more; and a purchase price of at least $1000.00.

As a nurse manager, you begin to consider the capital items needed for your unit. You consult with your nursing staff, physicians, and other staff on the unit. Choose one item to request funding through the capital budget process. The item can be hardware or software. The item could be an item replacing a current item or it might be a new technology item. Investigate the internet for multiple vendors of this item and provide the following information to the capital budget committee, to justify the funding of your selected item.

Prepare a Microsoft Office PowerPoint presentation with voice over.

Use the following Slide Guide to develop your presentation.

Slide 1: Title Slide
Your title should indicate the item you would like to purchase. For example, patient lift equipment, automated vital signs equipment, bladder ultrasound, defibrillator, etc. Slide 1 should also include your name and a visual of the product. This slide should include all components of an APA title page (except for the page number).

Slide 2: Clinical Defense
State your clinical defense, explaining the reason this item is needed. For example, if choosing to replace the telemetry monitoring system on your unit, you may cite that your current system is ten years old and that the current vendor will no longer support the service of repairs or maintenance; or that monitors with new technology have sophisticated functionality that would increase patient safety on your unit. Find quantitative stats or qualitative data to support your evidence-based clinical defense.

Slide 3: Manufacturers
Next, identify (at least) two manufacturers of your selected capital item. Review the differences/similarities in features or point out the advantages/disadvantages of each product from both manufacturers. You may arrange this over multiple slides. Include visuals of your product. Include citations to allow the reader to validate the detailed features you are listing.

Slide 4: Preference of Product
Reinforce why you selected this product. For example, the product of one manufacturer may have reviews or studies that rate their unit superior to similar products from other vendors. Include a source to establish an evidence-supported preference.

Slide 5: Financial Request
Clearly show the total dollar amount of your capital request. Display costs in a chart or table that includes all accessories, subscriiptions, maintenance charges, or other cost components. Provide any details you find about payment options. If the actual cost of the item is available, include a citation verifying the source. If you cannot find exact pricing, clearly indicate this is an “estimated cost.”

Slide 6: Justification
Lastly, end with advocacy and justify your request. Reinforce the potential positive impacts of this item. Include a source to establish an evidence-supported statement.


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