Watch the videos below in their entirety, take notes and write a summary to include the important points stated in the videos. (20 possible pts.) to be submitted via canvas.

Watch the videos below in their entirety, take notes and write a summary to include the important points stated in the videos. (20 possible pts.) to be submitted via canvas. PLEASE NOTE: You will need these summary notes for the Mid-term and Final. Patterson and Tannahill Video Summary Submissions Due 2/15/25 @ 11:59 p.m. -Submit … Read more

Watch the videos below in their entirety, take notes and write a summary to include the important points stated in the videos. (20 possible pts.) to be submitted via canvas.

Watch the videos below in their entirety, take notes and write a summary to include the important points stated in the videos. (20 possible pts.) to be submitted via canvas. PLEASE NOTE: You will need these summary notes for the Mid-term and Final. Patterson and Tannahill Video Summary Submissions Due 2/15/25 @ 11:59 p.m. -Submit … Read more

How does he/she compare with the Porter-O’Grady’s 10 principles of leaders in the Quantum Age (Chapter 2)

3. DNP Interview: Choose a DNP level leader to interview utilizing the following interview questions: ( preferably on psychiatric department such as PMHNP DNP) 1. Descriiption of role in the organization. Doctor of Nursing Practice, Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner. 2. Descriiption of preparation for the role – education, work history, previous roles, certification. 3. … Read more

How does he/she compare with the Porter-O’Grady’s 10 principles of leaders in the Quantum Age (Chapter 2)

3. DNP Interview: Choose a DNP level leader to interview utilizing the following interview questions: ( preferably on psychiatric department such as PMHNP DNP) 1. Descriiption of role in the organization. Doctor of Nursing Practice, Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner. 2. Descriiption of preparation for the role – education, work history, previous roles, certification. 3. … Read more

Discussion Thread: Working with Parents-In your opinion, what is the appropriate role of a teacher when working with parents?

In your opinion, what is the appropriate role of a teacher when working with parents? Identify three characteristics or skills that teachers should strive for in an effort to develop and maintain effective partnerships with parents. Use scholarly resources to support the value of these characteristics.

Discussion Thread: Working with Parents-In your opinion, what is the appropriate role of a teacher when working with parents?

In your opinion, what is the appropriate role of a teacher when working with parents? Identify three characteristics or skills that teachers should strive for in an effort to develop and maintain effective partnerships with parents. Use scholarly resources to support the value of these characteristics.

Long Cycle Case Chart-complete the long cycle case chart for the GSK case  assigned from your course pack.

Following the instructions in Learning with Cases from the Ivey course pack (attached in file), complete the long cycle case chart for the GSK case  assigned from your course pack. Notice the section “Case Data Analysis” has a parenthetical note, “(Course frameworks and analytical tools).” This is a placeholder for a LOT of information. For … Read more

Long Cycle Case Chart-complete the long cycle case chart for the GSK case  assigned from your course pack.

Following the instructions in Learning with Cases from the Ivey course pack (attached in file), complete the long cycle case chart for the GSK case  assigned from your course pack. Notice the section “Case Data Analysis” has a parenthetical note, “(Course frameworks and analytical tools).” This is a placeholder for a LOT of information. For … Read more

Go to Google Scholar and search for articles on stream mining. Find at least two business-related articles published in the last five years. Read and summarize your findings in 2 to 3 pages

Research the following two topics in Google Scholar, ProQuest, or EBSCOhost and summarize your research findings as indicated below. Go to Google Scholar and search for articles on stream analytics. Find at least two business-related articles published in the last five years. Read and summarize your findings in 2 to 3 pages (500 to 750 … Read more

Go to Google Scholar and search for articles on stream mining. Find at least two business-related articles published in the last five years. Read and summarize your findings in 2 to 3 pages

Research the following two topics in Google Scholar, ProQuest, or EBSCOhost and summarize your research findings as indicated below. Go to Google Scholar and search for articles on stream analytics. Find at least two business-related articles published in the last five years. Read and summarize your findings in 2 to 3 pages (500 to 750 … Read more