How nurses use models to make clinical judgments

OVERVIEW In addition to a code of ethics that protects the health and wellness of clients, the nursing profession is built on mentoring relationships that nurture intergenerational knowledge production, support the hands-on transfer of learning, and innovate best practices for patients and practitioners. In this assignment, you will prepare a short presentation for the hypothetical … Read more

How nurses use models to make clinical judgments

OVERVIEW In addition to a code of ethics that protects the health and wellness of clients, the nursing profession is built on mentoring relationships that nurture intergenerational knowledge production, support the hands-on transfer of learning, and innovate best practices for patients and practitioners. In this assignment, you will prepare a short presentation for the hypothetical … Read more

Explain why you want to be a nurse?

Explain why you want to be a nurse, how nursing will change your life, and what contribution you plan to make to the nursing profession. Identify the support system that will assist you through your time in college, Identify the things that you will need to temporarily give up as you attend school. Identify study … Read more

The role of nursing in end of life care – a review of the literature-Write three pages paper excluding the presentation and references page. Use APA-7 formatting.

Write three pages paper excluding the presentation and references page. Use APA-7 formatting. Please make sure that you are utilizing information from peer-reviewed journals. ·You must present your writing double-spaced, in Times New Roman, Arial, or Courier New font, with a font size of 12. ·Pay attention to grammar rules (spelling and syntax). ·Your work … Read more

Identify and write a summary of the various factors that contribute to the credibility of a research article related to a diagnosis of interest that you identified from the Sentinel U simulation on Patient Management & Delegation, V2.

Identify and write a summary of the various factors that contribute to the credibility of a research article related to a diagnosis of interest that you identified from the Sentinel U simulation on Patient Management & Delegation, V2. In the acuity module, there are 10 patients listed with various diagnosis. Select one diagnosis of interest … Read more