Basic assurance plan-provides positive behavioral supports to people

Quality Assurances Accreditation: Basic Assurances® Plan NOTE:In order to maintain accreditation, Femi Qualified Home Care LLC must: Show substantial progress in bringing the Basic Assurances® into alignment with system and practice by the second visit (within 12 months). NOTE: All Basic Assurances® Indicators found to be NOT PRESENT in system or practice by CQL require … Read more

Basic assurance plan-provides positive behavioral supports to people

Quality Assurances Accreditation: Basic Assurances® Plan NOTE:In order to maintain accreditation, Femi Qualified Home Care LLC must: Show substantial progress in bringing the Basic Assurances® into alignment with system and practice by the second visit (within 12 months). NOTE: All Basic Assurances® Indicators found to be NOT PRESENT in system or practice by CQL require … Read more

Use the following list to identify the interaction-oriented roles played by the major characters in Saving Private Ryan movie.

Interaction-oriented roles of the movie Saving Private Ryan Use the following list to identify the interaction-oriented roles played by the major characters in Saving Private Ryan movie. The characters we would like to identify are as follows: Captain John H. Miller Mike Horvath Timothy Upham Richard Reiben Daniel Jackson James Francis Ryan

Use the following list to identify the interaction-oriented roles played by the major characters in Saving Private Ryan movie.

Interaction-oriented roles of the movie Saving Private Ryan Use the following list to identify the interaction-oriented roles played by the major characters in Saving Private Ryan movie. The characters we would like to identify are as follows: Captain John H. Miller Mike Horvath Timothy Upham Richard Reiben Daniel Jackson James Francis Ryan

Based on what you’ve learned in class, what connections can you make with other examples of architecture from different cultures or time periods in your contemporary building choice?

Read pages 175-207 in online textLinks to an external site.. Find an example of a contemporary building that you believe relates in some way to an ancient one. Include by Embedding the images of both forms of Architecture. Explain the connections you observe. Based on what you’ve learned in class, what connections can you make … Read more

Based on what you’ve learned in class, what connections can you make with other examples of architecture from different cultures or time periods in your contemporary building choice?

Read pages 175-207 in online textLinks to an external site.. Find an example of a contemporary building that you believe relates in some way to an ancient one. Include by Embedding the images of both forms of Architecture. Explain the connections you observe. Based on what you’ve learned in class, what connections can you make … Read more

Analyze specific drivers of change identified by the leader and relate those drivers to the purpose of the organization.

Interview a local healthcare leader and write a 5-page synopsis and analysis of the interview. Interview a healthcare leader in your local community and address the following: Provide the name and contact information of your interviewee. Identify the purpose of the leader’s organization and describe how this organization is changing in response to organizational, community, … Read more

Deviance (Decriminalization and Legalization of Drugs, Mass Incarceration, Hate Crimes, Death Penalty, White Collar Crime)

Gender Inequality (#MeToo Movement, Gendered pay inequality, LGBTQ Movement) Racial Inequality (Racial Profiling, Black Lives Matter Movement) Income Disparity in the U.S. (Low Wages and Minimum Wage, Working Poor, Homelessness, Unemployment) Substance Abuse (Opioid and Heroin Crisis, Medical-Industrial Complex, Youth Binge Drinking) Healthcare (Childhood Obesity, Accessibility to Healthcare, Medicaid, Medical bills, Healthcare for Veterans, Mental … Read more

How would you direct her to combat nervousness in her next presentation? How will you prepare to present?

As part of this week’s discussion: Post your initial response to the prompt by Tuesday at 11:59pm (15 points) Respond to 2 of your classmates by Sunday at 11:59pm (10 points) Your initial response should go beyond simply answering the prompt and allow for continued discussion. After you post your initial response, remember to individually … Read more

Clinical Experience Week 2-What did you learn from this week’s clinical experience that can beneficial for you as an advanced practice nurse?

Describe your clinical experience for this week. Did you face any challenges, any success? If so, what were they? Describe the assessment of a patient, detailing the signs and symptoms (S&S), assessment, plan of care, and at least 3 possible differential diagnosis with rationales. Mention the health promotion intervention for this patient. What did you … Read more