Identify specific conventions, audiences, and purposes relevant to one’s particular discipline; identify the rhetorical elements of a genre (analysis); and analyze a discipline-specific genre for its genre conventions (analysis).

Although writing occurs in every discipline, what this writing looks like will vary across disciplines. For example, writing a lab report in a Biology class is different from writing a literature review in an Economics class or an expert witness testimony in a Courts and Forensics course. Put another way, writing is discipline-specific, which means … Read more

Comment upon what you found interesting or inspiring in their counselor introduction, specifically noting at least two attributes they exhibited from Chapters 1- 3 in their videos.

Please review the following YouTube video’s and provide create three separate responses with a header for Hannah, Christina, Aubrian. The video responses should be 200-250 word per video. Please use APA format and utlize an outsdie scholarly resource as needed if unable to access the textbook online. Share an insight you experienced after watching your … Read more

What health risk do you expect to address by implementing this intervention? What results do you expect?

Implementation of the Care Plan In a Microsoft Word document of 2-3 pages formatted in APA 7th edition including double-spaced throughout, you will develop a plan to implement your care plan by answering the questions below. The first step to effective implementation is planning. As you go about this task, utilize the following questions applying … Read more