Define the legal remedies available to co habitating couples according to the landmark decision of Marvin v. Marvin and Use the Internet to find and draft a cohabitation agreement.

This is a 2 part assignment keep separate Part 1 needs reference. In 2 to 3 pages typed, doubled spaced plus an APA cover page; Identify the legal benefits of marriage, explain how a common law marriage is created, Define the legal remedies available to co habitating couples according to the landmark decision of Marvin … Read more

Financial Statement Analysis versus Walmart-Prepare a one-page persuasive memo explaining the comparison and attach an Excel image showing your ratio calculations for Amazon. Combined,  believe you can submit both on a single two-page document.

Perform financial statement analysis on versus Walmart, using ratios and Excel spreadsheet for the most recent published year end date (Fiscal 2022). Prepare a one-page persuasive memo explaining the comparison and attach an Excel image showing your ratio calculations for Amazon. Combined,  believe you can submit both on a single two-page document. Ensure your … Read more

writing/ Facts and Fiction on Health and wealth-In this discussion, you will share your perspective on health and wealth, and you will examine the perspectives of your classmates.

Discussion Directions There are two discussions you will need to participate in this week. Select the button below each title to access the discussion thread. Topic 1: Facts and Opinions on Health and Wealth In this discussion, you will share your perspective on health and wealth, and you will examine the perspectives of your classmates. … Read more

Choose a book that resonates with your interests while learning more about another culture. If you’re unsure where to begin, you can refer to the list of suggested books (see Book Options for Reflection Paper module) but feel free to select any appropriate book that aligns with the book selection guidelines in the module.

For your Reflection Paper assignment (which is due week 7), you’ll need to read a non-fiction book written by an author from a culture different from your own. This allows you to explore diverse perspectives that may differ from those you’re familiar with. Selecting a meaningful and relevant book is important. Choose a book that … Read more

Use Excel and Front line Solver to solve the following network optimization problem. Shipping Cars. The Bavarian Motor Company (BMC) manufactures expensive luxury cars in Hamburg, Germany, and exports cars to sell in the United States.

Use Excel and Front line Solver to solve the following network optimization problem. Shipping Cars. The Bavarian Motor Company (BMC) manufactures expensive luxury cars in Hamburg, Germany, and exports cars to sell in the United States. The exported cars are shipped from Hamburg to ports in Newark, New Jersey and Jacksonville, Florida. From these ports, … Read more

How can therapists demonstrate humility when receiving critical feedback from clients? Beyond humility, what other Christian virtues are beneficial to a developing therapist? How would you address a client’s negative feedback of your counseling session?

Please respond to each prompt in 250 words , using the prompt as a header. Please utilize at least one scholarly resource in your response and include APA7 formatting. How can therapists demonstrate humility when receiving critical feedback from clients? Beyond humility, what other Christian virtues are beneficial to a developing therapist? How would you … Read more