Ethical Leadership and Code of Ethics-Analyze how well the chosen company’s code of ethics covers the topic of compliance with legal mandates.

Prepare a report (suggested length of 6–8 pages) in which you do the following:

A. Choose a company’s code of ethics from the Web Links section below and analyze that company’s code of ethics by doing the following:
Note: Links to the code of ethics for the company can be found in the Web Links section. The code of ethics is only used for section A. You must choose a code of ethics from the following company:
Our Code of Conduct

1. Analyze how well the chosen company’s code of ethics covers the topic of corporate social responsibility (CSR).

2. Analyze how well the chosen company’s code of ethics covers the topic of compliance with legal mandates.
a. Describe the ramifications for an organization when it is noncompliant with legal mandates.

b. Describe two policies the chosen company has in their code of ethics to ensure employees behave legally and/or ethically.
3. Analyze how well the chosen company’s code of ethics facilitates the development of an ethical culture.
4. Identify three resources available to employees to use when raising an ethical concern and discuss which resource you would most likely use to report an ethical concern.
B. Discuss three factors an employee might consider before deciding to report unethical conduct observed at work.
1. Describe three internal steps (i.e., inside the company) an employee could take if they decide to report or blow the whistle on misconduct or unethical behavior in the workplace.
2. Describe two possible external actions (i.e., outside the company) an employee can take to report or blow the whistle on misconduct or unethical behavior in the workplace.
C. Analyze one advantage and one disadvantage of paying whistleblowers. Base your analysis on one of the following laws:
False Claims Act
Dodd-Frank Wall Street and Consumer Protection Act
D. Analyze the changes that organizations have made based on the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines.
1. Discuss three culpability factors that are used to determine fines under the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines.
E. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.
F. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.
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Not Evident
An analysis of how well the chosen company’s code of ethics covers the topic of CSR is not provided.
Approaching Competence
The analysis of how well the chosen company’s code of ethics covers the topic of CSR is illogical, or the ideas presented are poorly supported.
The analysis of how well the chosen company’s code of ethics covers the topic of CSR is logical, and the ideas presented are well supported.
Not Evident
An analysis of how well the chosen code of ethics covers the topic of compliance with legal mandates is not provided.
Approaching Competence
The analysis of how well the chosen company’s code of ethics covers the topic of compliance with legal mandates is illogical, or the ideas presented are poorly supported.
The analysis of how well the chosen company’s code of ethics covers the topic of compliance with legal mandates is logical, and the ideas presented are well supported.
Not Evident
A description of the ramifications for an organization when it is noncompliant with legal mandates is not provided.
Approaching Competence
The description of the ramifications for an organization when it is noncompliant with legal mandates is illogical, or the described ramifications are inaccurate or irrelevant to the legal mandates.
The description of the ramifications for an organization when it is noncompliant with legal mandates is logical, and the described ramifications are accurate and relevant to the legal mandates.
Not Evident
A description of 2 policies to ensure employees behave legally and/or ethically is not provided.
Approaching Competence
The description of the 2 policies to ensure employees behave legally and/or ethically includes 1 or more policies that are illogical. Or 1 or more of the described policies is not relevant to the chosen company.
The description of 2 policies to ensure employees behave legally and/or ethically is logical. Both policies described are relevant to the chosen company.
Not Evident
An analysis of how well the company’s code of ethics facilitates the development of an ethical culture is not provided.
Approaching Competence
The analysis of how well the chosen company’s code of ethics facilitates the development of an ethical culture is illogical, or the ideas presented are poorly supported.
The analysis of how well the chosen company’s code of ethics facilitates the development of an ethical culture is logical, and the ideas presented are well supported.
Not Evident
An identification of 3 resources an employee could use to raise an ethical concern or a discussion of which resource the candidate would most likely use to report an ethical concern in the chosen company is not provided.
Approaching Competence
The identification of 3 resources an employee could use to raise an ethical concern or the discussion of which resource the candidate would most likely use to report an ethical concern in the chosen company is poorly supported or is illogical, or 1 or more of the resources are not likely to help an employee when raising a concern. Or the ideas presented are missing key details.

The identification of 3 resources an employee could use to raise an ethical concern and the discussion of which resource the candidate would most likely use to report an ethical concern in the chosen company are logical and well supported, and each resource would help the employee raise a concern. The ideas presented include key details.
Not Evident
A discussion of 3 factors that an employee might consider before deciding to report unethical conduct observed at work is not provided.
Approaching Competence
The discussion of 3 factors that an employee might consider before deciding to report unethical conduct observed at work is illogical, or the ideas presented are poorly supported.
The discussion of 3 factors that an employee might consider before deciding to report unethical conduct observed at work is logical, and the ideas presented are well supported.
Not Evident
A description of 3 internal steps an employee could take to report or blow the whistle on misconduct or unethical behavior is not provided.
Approaching Competence
The description of 3 internal steps an employee could take to report or blow the whistle on misconduct or unethical behavior is illogical or not plausible.
The description of 3 internal steps an employee could take to report or blow the whistle on misconduct or unethical behavior is logical and plausible.
Not Evident
A description of 2 possible external actions an employee can take to report or blow the whistle on misconduct or unethical behavior that occurred inside the workplace is not provided.
Approaching Competence
The description of 2 possible external actions an employee can take to report or blow the whistle on misconduct or unethical behavior that occurred inside the workplace is illogical or not plausible.
The description of 2 possible external actions an employee can take to report or blow the whistle on misconduct or unethical behavior that occurred inside the workplace is logical and plausible.
Not Evident
An analysis of 1 advantage and 1 disadvantage of paying whistleblowers is not provided.
Approaching Competence
The analysis of 1 advantage and 1 disadvantage of paying whistleblowers is illogical, is missing key details, or does not specifically reference 1 of the given laws.
The analysis of 1 advantage and 1 disadvantage of paying whistleblowers is logical, contains key details, and specifically references 1 of the given laws.
Not Evident
An analysis of the changes that organizations have made based on the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines is not provided.
Approaching Competence
The analysis of the changes that organizations have made based on the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines is missing key details or is illogical.
The analysis of the changes that organizations have made based on the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines contains key details and is logical.
Not Evident
A discussion of 3 factors is not provided, or the discussion makes no reference to culpability factors that are used to determine fines under the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines.
Approaching Competence
The discussion of 3 culpability factors that are used to determine fines under the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines contains some inaccuracies.
The discussion is logical and accurately addresses 3 culpability factors that are used to determine fines under the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines.
Not Evident
The submission does not include both in-text citations and a reference list for sources that are quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.
Approaching Competence
The submission includes in-text citations for sources that are quoted, paraphrased, or summarized and a reference list; however, the citations or reference list is incomplete or inaccurate.
The submission includes in-text citations for sources that are properly quoted, paraphrased, or summarized and a reference list that accurately identifies the author, date, title, and source location as available.
Not Evident
This submission includes professional communication errors related to spelling, grammar, punctuation, and sentence fluency. For best results, please focus on the specific Correctness errors identified by Grammarly for Education to help guide your revisions. If you need additional assistance preparing your submission, please contact your Instructor.
Approaching Competence
This submission includes professional communication errors related to spelling, grammar, punctuation, and/or sentence fluency. For best results, please focus on the specific Correctness errors identified by Grammarly for Education to help guide your revisions.
This submission demonstrates correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and sentence fluency. You have demonstrated quality professional communication skills in this submission.
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