Given the importance of script writing for media students and practitioners; and to seize the opportunity, this assignment came to develop the skill of composition and writing and to refine the skill of art and creativity.

Given the importance of script writing for media students and practitioners; and to seize the opportunity, this assignment came to develop the skill of composition and writing and to refine the skill of art and creativity.

Storyboard is a sequential organizational drawing through drawings or pictures with the aim of presenting a prior vision before the production process.

It is traditionally used through (hand drawings, pictures, or digitally through one of the specialized programs:( Microsoft Power Point InDesign Adobe Illustrator Ray Story Board StudioBinder Question 1: Design a storyboard on one of the topics that you see fit; for example.. digital media, artificial intelligence, university stage journey. Answer criteria:  Choose a story appropriate to the topic you have chosen.  Creativity in the work, idea, drawings, colors, topic.  Be sure to present a clear and organized drawing.

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