How does he/she compare with the Porter-O’Grady’s 10 principles of leaders in the Quantum Age (Chapter 2)

3. DNP Interview: Choose a DNP level leader to interview utilizing the following interview questions: ( preferably on psychiatric department such as PMHNP DNP)

1. Descriiption of role in the organization. Doctor of Nursing Practice, Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner.

2. Descriiption of preparation for the role – education, work history, previous roles, certification.

3. Descriiption of his/her competencies.

4. How does he/she compare with the Porter-O’Grady’s 10 principles of leaders in the Quantum Age (Chapter 2):
-view of systems as wholes not just the sum of parts
-health care is local; local relationships and not centralized authorities
-value as the centerpiece of service delivery
-simple systems aggregate to complex systems
-diversity is essential to life
-error is essential to success
-systems thrive when all their functions intersect and interact
-change is generated from the center outward
-revolution results from the aggregation of local changes
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