Mental health rhetoric vs reality paper-Why should people care about this, what does it mean in terms of policy and health and society. How can we make a difference , suggestions for future research

Are universities genuinely committed to students’ mental well-being, or is their concern merely performative? Examining the gap between institutional rhetoric and actual support systems.

5 sections

15-18 pages in content with references added onto it

Intro – what is my topic, how did  reach my topic and why is my topic important to think about right now (3 pages)
Lit review/ background – existing summary of the literature that is published about my topic – mention info that doesn’t exist yet (5 pages )
Methodology (1-2 paragraphs )

Results – what do the results show, answer the question posed in my intro. Opinion based but heavily research based (2-3 pages)

Discussion – Why should people care about this, what does it mean in terms of policy and health and society. How can we make a difference , suggestions for future research

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