How and why did black people use the language of the American Revolution—of natural rights—in freedom petitions to argue for their freedom and the abolition of slavery?

Using these 2 documents answer these question How and why did black people use the language of the American Revolution—of natural rights—in freedom petitions to argue for their freedom and the abolition of slavery? Primary Source Documents Your essay should be based on your reading and analysis of the primary source documents. Your paper should … Read more

Evaluation: After completing the assignment, evaluate and consider how you did. If you were to use this assignment in an early childhood education classroom, how would you alter or change it? What did not work so well?

Concrete poetry is a type of poetry in which the words of a poem are given a visual representation in the shape of the poem itself. The visual shapes of the poems are just as important in conveying the intended effect as the poem’s content, such as meaning, words, rhythm, rhyme, etc. The term “concrete … Read more

Discuss why the chosen Behavior Over Time graph best represents the patterns present in the chosen case study.

A. Analyze one of the given case studies from the attached “Case Studies” document by doing the following: 1. Using the Iceberg Tool, write a summary of the analysis identifying key events, patterns, and the underlying structure that causes the identified events and patterns to occur. 2. Choose the Behavior Over Time graph that best … Read more

Create a formal lesson plan for a pre-reading or reading unit within early childhood education.

You will create a formal lesson plan for a pre-reading or reading unit within early childhood education. This assignment can be a lesson plan you intend to teach during your formal internship. You may choose the topic and reading level from either: Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten Grades 1–3 Your one-hour lesson plan should focus on children’s literature’s … Read more

Clinical Experience Week 2-What did you learn from this week’s clinical experience that can beneficial for you as an advanced practice nurse?

Describe your clinical experience for this week. Did you face any challenges, any success? If so, what were they? Describe the assessment of a patient, detailing the signs and symptoms (S&S), assessment, plan of care, and at least 3 possible differential diagnosis with rationales. Mention the health promotion intervention for this patient. What did you … Read more

Criminal Justice Question-Explain how the article relates to your own ideas or feeling. Demonstrate that you can apply concepts to your own experiences or observations. Be thoughtful. [1 to 3 paragraphs]

Write a summary of the above news article. Highlight key points. Use quoted text when helpful. [2 to 3 paragraphs] Explain how the article relates to concepts discussed in our course materials. Use the Table of Contents of the book and Handouts to remind you of the many potential relevant concepts. Demonstrate that you have … Read more

Module 1, Chapter 1

  INSTRUCTIONS FOR ALL DISCUSSION BOARD POSTS Each module will include a discussion board where I will post prompts related to module content. You do not need to interact in every Discussion Board converations, but encourage you to post there pretty regularly and respond to classmates’ posts as these discussions serve as one mechanism for … Read more

Management: What is a Dissertation?

In your own words, write a 650 word response to the following: What is a dissertation? What type of information should be included? What will it be like for you to write a dissertation? What excites you about the process? What challenges do you expect to encounter?

What is your networking plan as a marking student who is also in Delta Sigma PI the business frat? How many new connections do you plan to make this term?

Prior to watching this video, was the idea of networking intimidating? Why/why not? What identify two takeaways from the videos? How will you implement these when networking at Career Fairs and/or informal opportunities (i.e. attending a presentation by a speaker, etc) What is your networking plan as a marking student who is also in Delta … Read more