Provide a write-up summarizing the article. Within your document, include how the information connects to Pathophysiology, and why it is relevant.

Use the following link to learn how to find and evaluate an online source: Locate a current (medical or scientific) news or journal article based on ONE of the following topics: A disorder or disease that is related to one of the cell’s organelles (i.e., nucleus, cytoplasm, ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex, lysosomes, peroxisomes, mitochondria, … Read more

Based on what you learned about CNS structure and function and brain lobes and cortices, provide a summary of the four lobes in the brain, the important structures contained in each of the four lobes, and the cognitive, behavioral, and/or motor functions carried out by each of the four lobes.

  1. Compose an account describing the concept/process of first-order kinetics (drug half-life). Then, via research from any source of your choosing (please provide citation), provide the half-life for the medication Prozac and for the medication Zyprexa. 2. Based on what you learned about CNS structure and function and brain lobes and cortices, provide a … Read more

Explain how this issue affects your reader, other people, and/or the environment. Cite a minimum of 3 sources in your paper.

Final Assignment Write a short essay (500-700 words) addressing an environmental issue that is controversial or poorly understood. Present scientific information about a controversial or poorly understood environmental issue in a way that is accessible and understandable to the general public. Make a scientific argument that explains the issue, acknowledges any misinformation or controversy about … Read more

Devotion and Finding Passages in the Bible-Explain what a devotion is and how to find a passage of Scripture in the Holy Bible.

Getting Start As a faith-based university, IWU works to integrate principles and passages from the Holy Bible, throughout our curriculum. To that end, you will often find that one of your assignments for the week is a “devotion”. We define a devotion as a time to think about and reflect on a spiritual concept, passage … Read more

Why does Jeremy/Alex value punctuality and independence? Why do they care about moving through campus unaided? This doesn’t really come through from your notes.

Pull up your persona, scenario, and any other relevant data from assignment 2 On a piece of paper, sketch pad, digital art software, or document, please sketch (or describe in 2-3 sentences) as many ideas as you can for solutions to your problem. Assignment 3 asks for at least 20, but aim for more! Your … Read more

indicate the effect of the transaction or adjustment-Purchased eight units of a new item of inventory on account at a cost of $24 each. Perpetual inventory is maintained.

For each of the following transactions or adjustments, indicate the effect of the transaction or adjustment on the appropriate balance sheet category and on net income by entering for each account affected the account name and amount and indicating whether it is an addition (+) or a subtraction (−). Transaction a has been done as … Read more

Identify specific conventions, audiences, and purposes relevant to one’s particular discipline; identify the rhetorical elements of a genre (analysis); and analyze a discipline-specific genre for its genre conventions (analysis).

Although writing occurs in every discipline, what this writing looks like will vary across disciplines. For example, writing a lab report in a Biology class is different from writing a literature review in an Economics class or an expert witness testimony in a Courts and Forensics course. Put another way, writing is discipline-specific, which means … Read more

Financial Statement Analysis versus Walmart-Prepare a one-page persuasive memo explaining the comparison and attach an Excel image showing your ratio calculations for Amazon. Combined,  believe you can submit both on a single two-page document.

Perform financial statement analysis on versus Walmart, using ratios and Excel spreadsheet for the most recent published year end date (Fiscal 2022). Prepare a one-page persuasive memo explaining the comparison and attach an Excel image showing your ratio calculations for Amazon. Combined,  believe you can submit both on a single two-page document. Ensure your … Read more

Developmental psychology-What interest does society have in minimizing the harmful substances a pregnant person is exposed to?

Overview More and more research suggests that exposure to substances such as lead, mercury, and air and water pollutants have negative effects on development. Here, we will focus on the many ways that developing embryos and fetuses are exposed to potential harm and ways to reduce such exposure. Part 1: Create one substantial response (aim … Read more