Topic: After reading both Dr. Noble’s Algorithms of Oppression and Roger McNamee’s Zucked, your task is to select one issue/idea raised by the two texts, research it further, and create an argument that is either original or adds original content to an already established argument. Please do not merely restate what has already been argued by Noble and McNamee.
Scholarly Investigation/Adding to the Conversation
To get started, you’ll need to develop an original research question. To tackle this open-ended, “big burning” thinking question, you have to gather sources to help you develop your own analysis and discussion. What you explore is up to you, but it should be something specific, something that calls for further analysis, and connected to some specific layer presented in Algorithms of Oppression and Zucked. Likewise, the essay should be exploratory in nature.
Go beyond what you already know or think. Your research is a look into something new for you and your readers. Since the texts may just scratch the surface of many of these issues (and sparks many questions), your job as a writer and researcher is to go further in-depth on a specific layer.
Conducting Research/Using Sources (Analytically)
The research process is a chance for you to move outside of our class context and the lens of both Noble and McNamee by engaging with a wider range of sources, voices, and perspectives. The sources that you bring into the essay should act as a lens for you to test, develop, complicate, and evolve your initial claim or question you are setting up early on. Use of sources should be analytical so you do more than just bring in the source to provide facts or “proof” for points you already know to be true. Dealing with your sources, in this case, is a way for you to examine multiple perspectives and develop analysis/discussion.
In class, we will be talking about how to gather credible sources for your essay, including a close look at the GCC library databases. You may use any type of medium, as long as you can justify its credibility as evidence in your paper (this includes books, documentaries, newspapers, magazines, scholarly journals, online clips, interviews, etc).
Keep in mind that online resources are often not very credible nor scholarly; use the internet with caution. Wikipedia, for instance, is not a credible source. Just typing your topic into Google and going with the top choices isn’t really research, as we all know the biases relating to Google searches! Consider where you might gather a good mix of sources, with appropriate credibility, to help you engage your research question.
You’ll want to have a mix of sources to work with. For the essay, you will be required to build conversation with at least five secondary sources, plus Algorithms of Oppression and Zucked. In that mix of sources must be at least two sources (articles/essays/books, etc) retrieved from the GCC library databases. Therefore, you will have a total of at least seven sources listed on your Works Cited page. You must have at least one quote or paraphrase from each source, although suspect you will have more.
Assignment Requirements:
❑ Your essay should follow strict MLA guidelines, with 1’’ side margins, 1” header and footer margins, Times New Roman, 12 point font, and at least 2500 words of essay text. Word Count does not include headings/headers/Works Cited etc.
❑ Your essay should include a strong working thesis to help focus your essay; this is a main complex claim or thinking question you set up early on and develop/refine/complicate as the paper unfolds. Your claims should represent complexity in thinking through your ideas and need to be supported or developed by evidence (details, sources, representative examples).
❑ Bring in at least five secondary sources, plus Algorithms of Oppression and Zucked, into your essay that you are “in conversation with.” You are required to have at least two articles/essays from the GCC databases. Keep in mind that you want your sources to be credible, or you have to make them credible through your own analysis.
❑ As you incorporate your sources, accurately summarize the ideas, theories, terms, or concepts you are using from that source to offer context (making sure your summary is understandable to a reader who is not familiar with the source you’re introducing). Always include both article name and author name upon first introduction of the text.
❑ Add to and help develop the ideas from the sources you bring in to help you introduce your own thinking about the topic you are writing about. Your sources should be a springboard for your own claims, questions, and analysis. In other words, you must “do something” with your sources. Be sure to clarify the meaning of the material you have quoted, paraphrased, or summarized and explain its significance in light of your evolving thesis.
❑ Support your claims with reasoning and evidence – making sure to link the evidence to the claim(s). You’ll want to include a few of the various kinds of evidence available to analytical writers. Head’s Up: If I suspect ChatGPT or any other AI is used, or if you have plagiarized in any way, I won’t read the paper and you will automatically get 0 points. Trust yourself and your writer’s voice. You are here to improve your writing. Give yourself that space!!
❑ As you move toward the conclusion, address the “so what?” question for your thesis.
❑ Clearly and explicitly explain your chain of reasoning – that is the thought-connections you are making throughout your draft between claims, evidence, & sources. The more clearly you explain connections to your readers, the more your readers will be able to follow your thinking.
❑ Cite all sources in MLA format (in text), in addition to a required Works Cited page. Remember that you must have a Works Cited page in addition to in-text citations for the paper to be eligible for passing.
❑ Proofread and edit your paper before turning it in. Make certain the work reflects your writing and ideas, unless otherwise cited in the text, and there is no plagiarism or academic dishonesty involved, including the use of AI generated language or ideas. If the work reflects any academic dishonesty, it will be a non-passing paper.
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