Write your Formal Elements Essay about your assigned artwork, using the Sample Essay, the instructions in Video B. and the handouts to help you. Please email me and ask if you have any questions!

A ‘formal elements essay’ is analyzing how an artist uses the ‘elements of art’ (line, shape, form, color, and texture) as they literally ‘form’ or create their art.
Step One
For this assignment, use and follow the video (required) and handouts below. These are in the Art Terms Module (in Canvas):
Video B, Art Terms
Subject Matter, Composition, Media Handout (PDF)
Elements of Art Handout (PDF)
Formal Elements Sample Essay (PDF)
Principles of Art Handout (PDF)-optional
Step Two
Find your name, and the artwork I have assigned to you, on the Art Checklist with Student Names for Formal Elements Essay (PDF) in the Art Terms Module.

My artwork: Jean Clouet, Francis I, c. 1525-1530, tempera and oil on wood, 38×29 inches, Louvre Museum
List is current as of 1/17/2024

Step Three
Watch Video B, and carefully read the Formal Elements Sample Essay. The red text in the Sample Essay are instructions for you.
Step Four
Write your Formal Elements Essay about your assigned artwork, using the Sample Essay, the instructions in Video B. and the handouts to help you. Please email me and ask if you have any questions!
Step Five
The seven paragraphs in your essay (in this order) should be:
1) Subject Matter (no more than about 50 words for first paragraph)
2) Lines
3) Shapes
4) Value
5) Hue, Intensity
6) Implied Texture (do not discuss real texture)
7) Summary Paragraph
Step Six
Submit your completed essay here, in the Formal Elements Essay Assignment.
Do NOT include image of your artwork (I have it).
NO outside sources, ChatGPT, etc., allowed. Describe only what you can literally SEE.
Do NOT discuss meaning, history, symbolism, etc. Do not try to guess or identity if your artwork has historical or religious symbolism, meaning of colors, etc.—we’ll spend the whole semester on that!
Goal in most art and for most artists is NOT ‘reality.’ Don’t focus on how real you think your artwork is in your essay.
Be specific and DETAILED in discussing your artwork’s composition—lines, shapes, colors, etc.
EXTRA: Don’t use fuzzy words. Use real words to describe what you actually see in the entire artwork.
PLEASE not use the words ‘dynamic’ or ‘subtle’ (AI loves those two ‘artsy’ words!!).
You will receive zero credit if you plagiarize, cheat, or use other outside sources.Here’s the HCC link about academic integrity: https://www.hccs.edu/studentprocedures.
All your essays and written work submitted in Canvas need to be:
Double-spaced formatting, and in 12 point font.
Submitted in Canvas Assignments as a PDF, Word or in other compatible document.
Please do not submit in other formats (Google Drive, etc.), since those are not always accessible for me.
If any problems, please email me in Canvas and let me know!
Grading Rubric, Formal Elements Essay
All instructions followed, 600 word minimum achieved, submitted by deadline, 20%
Elements of art used to analyze/describe your artwork (as per instructions), 70%
Closing summary (as per instructions), 10%

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